The Most Effective Way To Calm Your Mind

Meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow

down racing thoughts.

Start Ups to 6 Figures Mentorship

I’ve spent years mastering the best ways to help Service Based Businesses

that DIY their own marketing,

and Business start ups

rapidly increase their Revenue

And Start to Scale in just 12 Sessions

without the Confusion and wasted time

usually associated with learning how to create consistent sustainable income.

I’ve been through too many to count courses, books, and seminars you can think of

just to keep growing and improving in this one area… 

It’s become an obsession! 

Why? Because I was once stuck at the beginning,

facing rollercoaster revenue,

marketing inconsistency,

and waiting for people to reach out to me just like you,

but I wasn’t sure what to do about it! 

I’ve since cracked the code and turned all of the lessons learned into what I call the

Startups to 6 Figures Mentorship. 

Why Choose Yoga?

Yoga can make you stronger and more flexible. Yoga is good for reducing stress.

Blood circulation

Lorem ipsum Becoming more awareof the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us

Calming Down

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware

of the present moment can help us

enjoy the world around us

Respiratory Fitness

Lorem ipsum Becoming more aware

of the present moment can help us

enjoy the world around us

How is this different from other things I have tried?

Great question!

If you’re reading this right now, there’s about a 99.999% chance you’ve spent more than

a fair amount of time and money trying to reach your Revenue goals.
There’s little doubt that you’ve probably clicked on countless ads,

consumed more than a healthy dose of blogs or videos,

and purchased more than a few courses -

all from self-proclaimed experts and gurus

who say they can help you earn 6 figures and scale higher overnight.

Heck, if you’re like most of our clients,

you may have even invested a hefty amount in coaches, courses,

and other Revenue products...
But you’re here because you’re most likely still struggling with

 No Lead Generation Strategy, 

No Content Marketing Strategy,

No Marketing Consistency,

and/or No Analysis...

Am I right?

We’ll here’s why:

You’re likely not following a complete system or roadmap

for doing ALL OF THE THINGS required in the Right order, 

to get yor Revenue where you want it to be.
Instead of wasting your time stuck in a state of complete information overload,

trying to duct tape together all the pieces required for success,

our Startups to 6 Figures Mentorship Mentoring 

provides a crystal clear step-by-step pathway

to reach your destination!

Lead Generation

Learning the best Lead Generation techniques combined with Content Marketing to attract and have conversations with your best ideal clients.

Content Marketing Strategy

Learning how to create a 360° Marketing Strategy that is engaging, compelling, and used across all your platforms to consistently move prospects closer to the sale


Learn the difference between Content that looks good VS Content that achieves it's Purpose, AND how to Consistently Improve your Results

Let's Do Meditation To Calm Your Mind With Us

Lorem ipsum One of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go, and one way is to do meditation to calm yourself Services that provide professional mental health, we have been in the field for more than 10 years one of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go

Lorem ipsum One of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go, and one way is to do meditation to calm yourself Services that provide professional mental health, we have been in the field for more than 10 years one of the things that can lighten the burden of the mind is to let it go

Come Join Us And Take Care Of

Your Mental Health

Join our community that cares about mental health to increase productivity to work more good

Our Services

Explore and book live and on-demand Yoga, Meditation and Art Therapy classes across the globe







Feel the relaxing Sensation

Private group

Join us as a member of a private group that will practice every week and feel the benefits.

Pleasant situation

A pleasant atmosphere makes you enjoy doing yoga and focus on doing it.

Adequate tools

A pleasant atmosphere makes you enjoy doing yoga and focus on doing it.

What client say about us

Josh M

I started with Stephanie in Startups to 6 Figures Mentoring Program. As we began this process, I had one email going out per month (chock full of information), no real social media consistency or presence, and two online programs available with zero registrants. Nine months later, I have two content-specific emails going out monthly (with a 45% open rate), more consistent social media engagement and four online programs with six paid registrants! I'd call that success!

Soon after Stephanie Emmett and I became Facebook friends, she sent me a DM. When I saw that DM, I realized she was the real deal. She understood the concept of reciprocity, explaining that a coffee chat with her would be to our mutual benefit. I hired her after our first meeting because not only has she mastered the skill of cold messaging, but she also has an excellent grasp of what it takes to consistently post engaging content on social media. Stephanie provided me with a framework to create content so much easier. She also knocked over a few of my unhelpful assumptions about social media, such as chasing vanity numbers instead of building true relationships that will lead to more sales. I highly recommend her. – Risa Haasbroek, Coach and Dragon Whisperer for Entrepreneurs

Cynthia S

My time with Stephanie was invaluable. She helped sharpen my focus and get things done. She helped me prioritize and structured our sessions so that I knew exactly what to do during the week. She gave me exactly what I was ready for. My business is much better for her help.

Dan R

I had a basic understanding of email marketing, and my open rate was good- but my conversion was not!

I won't even get started on my social media avoidance! Stephanie got me using full 360° Marketing, helped me implement what I learned and improve results right away!

What client say about us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Barone LLC.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Leatrice Handler

Acme Co.

Come Join Us And Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Join our community that cares about mental health to increase productivity to work more good

©2022 – The Write Stephanie| All Right Reserved

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